Our Team
Our Principal, Kurt Richard, commenced his real estate career in his late teens. At the age of 22, Kurt moved into the specialised area of strata title management. By 23, he was employed as a Senior Strata Manager, overseeing the operation of one of the largest strata management portfolios on the NSW Far North Coast. Kurt has a very hands-on approach to strata management and brings to clients a high level of expertise; the culmination of two decades’ experience in the field.

In addition to assisting in the day-to-day administration of schemes under management, Kurt has also assisted his clients in the following areas: Assisted in the lodgment and handling of Home Owners’ Warranty claims through to the settlement phase; including overseeing the rectification of common property and lot owner buildings, through to the final stage issuance of occupation certificates.
Authored, co-authored and assisted in the implementation of special, exclusive-use and common property rights by-laws on behalf of client schemes.
Contributed to the terms of temporary ground anchor deeds for neighbouring developments; in a specific case successfully negotiated the terms of a deed with a major Australian retailer, resulting in monetary consideration being attained for the client scheme.
Facilitated the settlement of a claim against a national pest control company; resulting in the rectification of termite damage to the scheme’s buildings, upgrades to the scheme’s common property landscaping, and a ten-year ‘free service’ period being attained for the client scheme.
Assisted clients in the lodgement, handling and settlement of large-scale strata insurance claims, following the declaration of natural disasters.
Facilitated multiple assignments of caretaking contracts, letting and management rights agreements; including the negotiation, amendment and execution of both caretaking agreements and financier deeds.
Overseeing major building contract works for schemes under management; including the preparation, variation and execution of building contracts, with a focus on contractor licensing and compliance matters.